§ Progressão do COVID-19 em Portugal

· Domar uma exponencial não é fácil mas é possível...

§ Microsoft's "Love" of Linux

· If it's love it's an abusive relationship...

§ On societies and their running

· Short story on how societies evolve and prosper (or not)...

§ On quality and what it looks like

· Where I try to do some handy work and give myself a poor quality review...

§ A better base for open-source IPTV tools

· All the open-source IPTV software seems to pick a highly inneficient architecture that makes simple features hard or impossible. This is some architecture astronauting arount a better option....

§ How much GNU is there in GNU/Linux?

· How much of a modern distribution is composed of GNU software? Here's a simple analysis of the composition of Ubuntu's latest release...

§ Preliminary Results from Open Source Evolution Analysis

· Versioned source code can be an interesting data source. These are the first results of some analysis I have been running on the evolution of open source software...

§ Curated Web

· The size of the web has grown faster than we have been been able to build tools to process it. Search/Blogs/Aggregators are all great and still not enough...

§ Javascript blues

· Programming for the web has the advantage that you get to use your language of choice since it runs on the server. That's fine until you want to do something dynamic without a round-trip to the server. For that you need to suffer javascript...

§ Solving Consumer Backups

· Photographers (and others) generate a bunch of raw data they need to manage and backup. Doing this properly is non-trivial. Here's a solution that if you build it I will buy it...

§ Computation as Expression

· Human culture is expressed in many written and visual languages. Automatically executable language is the largest, boldest step ever in human expressiveness, and we're not doing much with it...

§ A Simplistic View of the Stock Market

· We are constantly bombarded with news of how volatile and unpredictable stock markets are. Here's a very basic view that seems to hint at some underlying rationality...

§ New Blog

· I've recreated my blog, this time in English. One part text; one part photography; only for formed thoughts. Fragments will go on twitter/buzz/flickr and whatever comes next. Subscribe to the feed or read it in browser. Internet Explorer won't work properly, Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari should be fine...


 · Photography is not necessarily a bonus for perception it can also limit engagement and serve as an escape...

Man Made

 · It is hard to take a photograph of nature. It is easy to fit plenty of natural things in a frame but it is actually rare that those are not arranged, selected for, or modified by human hand...


 · Photography is a balancing act of aesthetics and meaning. Not all that is intended can be easily seen, and plenty that is not intended is often there...


 · For all that photos can be worth a thousand words they often lack a great deal of context to ever be unambiguous means to communicate information accurately...

Sport Madness

 · Large sports events allways baffle me. I am more than capable of getting excited and involved in the outcome but can't help but feel it is all for nothing. Cal is about to throw the ball, Stanford is desperately trying to get back into the game and as clynical as the photo seems now I was nothing if not a fan at that moment. We lost too...

Detached View

 · South Africa is surprising in many ways. Great beauty, poverty, inequality and hope. Going through it in a week gives you some feelings but very few answers. In fact I am still trying to articulate the questions...


 · Concert photography is addictive. Everything is colorful and expressive and deliberatelly part of a show. Because it is so deceptively simple making good photography out of it is hard...


 · Some photos have no contextual content. They represent an emotion or a state of mind just by their visual characteristics independently of the reality they actually capture...


 · I appreciate the vertigo perspective of this frame. The four planes guiding the sight from the fuzzy close-up to the well-defined and ominous break of the waves create a path to fall through...